Sunday, October 26, 2008

Round-up of different ideas and a Great Site

Okay...First the great site: Students For Change I am really impressed with the ideas on this site. Start here and keep hitting NEXT. Read over this and find a few things that actually might make a difference.

During out last meeting a lot of ideas were generated. I am pleased that some people have started their projects. I am waiting for others to get going. What you do does not have to change the world, it only has to change your world a little bit. So, to those who still need a project or an idea, speak to others and develop something that you personally feel might make an impact in your own life and perhaps, a few of us around as well.

Great job to the people who conducted the BAKE SALE. The money raised for this will go into lessening the cost of those who travel on our trips.

In search changing your diet? As part of my own personal project of addressing medical issues in our family, I have been researching for months and months aspects of diet. I recently came upon this amazing group of women (and a few men) who promote GREEN SMOOTHIES. I never, ever thought that one could drink greens in such a pleasing manner, but their recipes are so good I've begun dreaming in GREEN. I really invite others to take a look at their site, and though it seems to be a bit more for woman, guys you too can get a lot out of this as it is certainly for athletes as well. So, so view the RAW Divas, click on their name.

Another great site is is Tim VanOrden's Running RAW site. This guy has some great Youtube clips too (you can find these from his site), and he explains his diet and how it has helped him become an elite athlete.

Why do I include diet site you ask? Well, first these folks recognize that our Western diet just is not working. We are using pesticides that are literally killing us, stripping the ground of nutrients, and living a lifestyle that might not always be healthy. These folks suggest that you can deal with many of the stresses that life throws at you through diet and the use of organic foods (why are they so expensive?!) as well. Great ideas on all of these site.

Mr. M

1 comment:

Kristen's Raw said...

Green Smoothies ROCK!
