Friday, April 11, 2008

Trip Summary

The ECO-X Adventure

By: Sofie Kouropatov

On Saturday, March 29th some of the members of the ECOX Club traveled with Ms. Phan, Mr. Margolis, and Mr. Roberts to Caesarea to kayak in the Mediterranean Sea. The waters were calm, the weather was lovely, and even though the author of this article fell into the sea about a dozen times, kayaking was a very enjoyable experience for all. After a couple of hours of paddling, bumping into each other with the accompanying war cries, and trying out tricks (such as forming a line and climbing into your neighbor's kayak) the ecologically aware students were soaking wet and starving.

Luckily, that problem was soon resolved as we were all welcomed to the home of the extremely hospitable Ms. Wescott. We proceeded to pig out on delicious barbequed hamburgers, hot dogs, humus, salad, and eventually our own homemade deserts while conversing and playing I Never (which resulted in a myriad of amusing things, such as asking strangers for sugar and angry dances).

The day wound down as we sat around quietly enjoying the view of the sea. Waking up next day, the trip seemed all but a dream, with only aching shoulders and a slight tan serving as reminders of a truly fun-filled day.

Looking back, trips in which we spend quality time with nature are to be cherished. The members of ECO-X were given another reminder of the environment we strive to protect. We would like to remind you that whether it’s the sea, the desert or the mountains, please remember to take care of your surroundings the best you can. And if you can do that while enjoying kayaking and hamburgers, all the better!

The ECO-X Club thanks Ms. Wescott for her hospitality!!

Eco-friendly shopping bags are on sale for 7 NIS. Please contact Hellen Phan (, Jamie Margolis (, or any ECO-X members for more information.

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